Report Course Evaluation, MTTN50

Basic facts

Course nameSenior Project in Food and Packaging Innovation
Course codeMTTN50   Course syllabus
ECTS credits7.5
Study period the course was finishedHT_LP2
Programmeall (MFIP)
Registrated students7
Number and share of passed students     7 / 100 %
Number answers and response rate7 / 100 %
Number answers from males1
Number answers from females6
Study hours according the curricula
Lectures    20 h
Group work    60 h
Laboratories    0 h
Time with supervisor    0 h
Self study time    120 h

Summary of questionnaires

The CEQ-score span between -100 och +100, there -100 means that "I fully disagree to the statement" and +100 "I fully agree to the statement".

Presence at teaching

Part of teachingNumberShare
0-30 %0 0 %
30-70 %0 0 %
70-100 %7 100 %

Scales and questions

Good Teaching+5228
Clear Goals and Standards+5932
Appropriate Assessment+6029
Appropriate Workload+2736
Special questions
The course seems important for my education+5753
Overall, I am satisfied with this course+6438
Graf of scales and questions

Distribution of the answers from question 26:
"Overall, I am satisfied with this course"

     Graf of question 26

Dissatisfied (<0) 0 0 %
Neutral (0) 1 14 %
Satisfied (>0) 6 86 %
No answer 0 0 %

Mean of CEQ-score+64
Standard deviation (StdDev)38

Distribution of the answers from question 17:
"The course seems important for my education"

     Graf of question 17

Mean of CEQ-score+57
Standard deviation (StdDev)53


Comments by the students' representatives

The students liked the freedom they had to pursue their own ideas. The structure of the course helps the students work in a realistic way, something that prepares them for their future careers. The students would have liked more discussions during the lectures.

Comments by the course leader

We are happy with the positive feedback regarding the process focus and the teaching and other activities we have in class. Although we know that it is always a challenge to work with more open and unbounded, we’re glad that the students have managed to use our toolkit of methods and mindsets to go through their own iterative and creative problem-solving journey. We aim to continue the innovation approach we have been using, and to give the students freedom and responsibility in shaping their innovation projects and going through immersive hands-on project work. We are also grateful for their valuable comments. From their feedback, and after a discussion with student representatives from the course, we have some comments and suggested changes for the next term. We will also try to invite previous alumni of the course who are currently entrepreneurs as well to hold a guest lecture and potentially to give feedback to the students on their project work, also in order to have more external commenters aside from the course teacher and course leader. We will also try to have more class discussions regarding the reading assignments and articles, so that these will be incorporated more with the lectures. We will better clarify at the start of the term that the project teams have a small reimbursable budget for project-related costs, such as prototyping materials. And our planned coaching sessions need to be more structured so that the group will receive direct and actionable feedback that they can use as input for their ongoing project work.

Comments by the programme director

Comments have not been submitted before the deadline

How the questionnaires were filled in

after the final presentations